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Decluttering Made Easy: Expert Tips for Letting Go of Clutter

by Zuzana

Decluttering Your Home: Expert Tips for Letting Go of Unnecessary Items

Decluttering is an essential part of maintaining a clean and organized home. It involves getting rid of anything you don’t need, use, or want. While this may seem simple enough, it can be challenging to let go of items that have become familiar or that we think we might need someday.

To help you declutter effectively, we’ve consulted with two organizing experts to identify the most common culprits of clutter and provide tips for dealing with them.

Duplicate Clothing Items

It’s easy to accumulate multiple items of clothing, especially those that you love. However, as organizing expert Jan Serafan points out, this can lead to an excess of things you don’t end up wearing. One of the most common categories of duplicate clothing is workout clothing.

Tip: Instead of throwing away duplicate clothing, consider donating it, upcycling it, or sharing it with family, friends, or neighbors.

Expired Pantry Items

While you may regularly clean out your fridge, it’s easy to overlook expired items in your pantry. Organizing experts Brian and Jen Boyle recommend checking your pantry regularly for expired goods.

Tip: Most food banks will accept non-perishable items up to two years past the “best if used by” date. If you’re unsure whether an item is still good, contact your local food bank. Otherwise, toss it and try to create a more organized system to prevent future food waste.

Single Socks

It’s frustrating to lose a sock, but holding onto the lone sock in the hopes of finding its mate is not a good use of space. According to Serafen, people tend to cling to single socks for two reasons: either they end up out of sight and out of mind, or the sheer volume of single socks overwhelms them.

Tip: Unless you enjoy wearing mismatched socks, it’s time to ditch those extras.

Cosmetic Samples and Expired Products

Cosmetic samples and other skincare products can quickly accumulate and create clutter. Serafen recommends culling these items regularly, as they can become burdensome. The Boyles add that medication and sunscreen should also be included in this category.

Tip: Spring is an ideal time to assess these items and discard expired products.

Shoe and Bag Dust Covers

Shoe and bag dust covers are often acquired with the intention of using them “someday,” but Serafen says that if they haven’t been used yet, they likely never will.

Tip: Consider repurposing shoe and bag dust covers for storing smaller items in your linen closet, garage, or off-season wardrobe.

Dry Cleaning Hangers

Professional organizers have strong opinions about hangers, and most agree that the metal ones you get from the dry cleaners are not ideal for your clothes. Serafen notes that these hangers can quickly accumulate into closet clutter.

Tip: Many dry cleaners will take back these hangers, so return them and switch to uniform hangers for a more organized closet.

Other Tips for Decluttering

In addition to the specific items mentioned above, here are some general tips for decluttering your home:

  • Sort items into piles: Create piles for items you want to keep, donate, trash, or repurpose.
  • Start with one small area: Don’t try to declutter your entire home at once. Focus on one room or area at a time.
  • Take breaks: Decluttering can be tiring, so don’t push yourself too hard. Take breaks when you need them.
  • Reward yourself: When you’ve finished decluttering an area, reward yourself with something you enjoy.

Decluttering can be a challenging but rewarding task. By following these tips and letting go of unnecessary items, you can create a more organized and clutter-free home.

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