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The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Indoor Planter

by Zuzana

Choosing the Best Indoor Planter for Your Needs

When selecting an indoor planter, there are several key factors to consider, including material, size, drainage, and specific plant needs.


Indoor planters are available in a wide range of materials, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Ceramic and terracotta: These materials are porous, allowing air to circulate and excess moisture to evaporate. However, they can be heavy and prone to cracking.
  • Fiberglass: Fiberglass planters are lightweight and durable, making them a good choice for large plants. They are also non-porous, so they retain moisture well.
  • Plastic: Plastic planters are affordable, lightweight, and easy to clean. However, they are not as durable as other materials and can fade over time.
  • Wood: Wooden planters add a natural touch to any space. However, they require regular maintenance to prevent rot and decay.


The size of the planter is important for the health of your plant. A planter that is too small can restrict root growth, while a planter that is too large can lead to overwatering.

To choose the right size planter, consider the following factors:

  • The size of your plant’s root ball
  • The growth rate of your plant
  • The amount of space you have available


Drainage is essential for preventing root rot. Most indoor planters have at least one drainage hole in the bottom. If the planter does not have a drainage hole, you can drill one yourself or use a cachepot (a decorative outer pot without drainage holes) and place the planter inside it.

Specific Plant Needs

Some plants have specific drainage or moisture requirements. For example, orchids and bromeliads prefer to be grown in pots with good drainage, while ferns prefer pots that retain moisture.

Best Indoor Planters for Specific Needs

In addition to the general factors discussed above, there are also specific types of indoor planters designed for specific needs.

  • Self-watering planters: These planters have a reservoir that automatically waters your plants, making them ideal for people who travel frequently or forget to water their plants.
  • Hanging planters: Hanging planters are a great way to add greenery to small spaces or to display plants in a unique way. They come in a variety of materials and styles, so you can find one that matches your décor.
  • Herb planters: Herb planters are designed to provide the optimal growing conditions for herbs. They often have multiple compartments for different types of herbs, and they may also have self-watering features.

How to Choose the Right Indoor Planter

When choosing an indoor planter, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • The type of plant you are growing
  • The size of your plant
  • The amount of space you have available
  • Your personal style

By taking all of these factors into account, you can choose the perfect indoor planter for your needs.

Tips for Choosing the Right Indoor Planter

Here are a few tips to help you choose the right indoor planter:

  • If you are unsure about the size of planter to get, err on the side of caution and choose a larger size.
  • If you are growing a plant that requires good drainage, choose a planter with multiple drainage holes.
  • If you are short on space, consider using a hanging planter or a planter with a small footprint.
  • Choose a planter that matches your personal style and the décor of your home.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I water my indoor plants?

The frequency with which you need to water your indoor plants depends on the type of plant, the size of the pot, and the humidity of your home. A good rule of thumb is to water your plants when the top inch of soil is dry to the touch.

What are the signs of overwatering?

Overwatered plants may have yellowing leaves, wilting stems, or stunted growth.

What are the signs of underwatering?

Underwatered plants may have dry, brown leaves, wilting stems, or crispy edges on the leaves.

How can I prevent my indoor plants from dying?

The best way to prevent your indoor plants from dying is to provide them with the right amount of water, light, and nutrients. You should also repot your plants every few years to give them fresh soil and nutrients.

By following these tips, you can choose and care for the perfect indoor planter for your needs.

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