Home LifeHistory Arizona in the Year 2012: Senator Barry Goldwater’s Vision and Predictions

Arizona in the Year 2012: Senator Barry Goldwater’s Vision and Predictions

by Kim

Arizona in the Year 2012: Senator Barry Goldwater’s Vision

Arizona’s Growth and Population

In 1962, Senator Barry Goldwater envisioned a rapidly growing Arizona with a population of over 10 million people by the year 2012. He predicted that Phoenix would become one of the largest cities in the United States, and that other cities like Tucson, Yuma, and Flagstaff would also experience significant growth.

Goldwater’s predictions were largely accurate. Phoenix is now the sixth largest city in the country, and Arizona’s population has grown to over 7 million people. However, the growth has slowed in recent years, due in part to the recession and a weak job market.

Water and Economic Growth

Goldwater recognized that water would be a major challenge for Arizona’s growing population. He proposed piping water in from the ocean to supplement the state’s existing water sources. This idea has not yet been implemented, but it remains a potential solution to Arizona’s water needs.

Goldwater also believed that Arizona’s economy would be based on industry. However, the state’s economy has instead been fueled by service jobs, construction, and tourism.

The Mexican Border and Indian Reservations

Goldwater predicted that the U.S.-Mexico border would become more open and free by 2012. This prediction has not come to pass, as the border remains a source of tension and debate.

Goldwater also believed that Indian reservations would cease to exist, and that Indians would become more integrated into Arizona society. This prediction has also not been borne out, as Indian reservations continue to exist and Native Americans continue to face challenges in terms of education, employment, and healthcare.

A Frontier Spirit

Despite the challenges, Goldwater remained optimistic about Arizona’s future. He believed that the state would continue to be a haven for people seeking opportunity and adventure. He also believed that Arizona’s rugged individualism and frontier spirit would continue to drive its progress.

Goldwater’s Legacy

Goldwater’s predictions for Arizona’s future were not all accurate, but he did correctly identify some of the key challenges and opportunities that the state would face. His vision of a prosperous and growing Arizona remains an inspiration to many today.

Additional Content

  • Goldwater was a Republican senator from Arizona who ran for president in 1964.
  • He was a strong supporter of states’ rights and limited government.
  • Goldwater’s views on immigration and Native American policy were controversial at the time, but they have since become more mainstream.
  • Goldwater’s legacy is complex and contested, but he remains an important figure in Arizona history.

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