Home LifeHistory and Culture Unveiling History, Exploring the Present, Confronting Challenges: Smithsonian’s Top Stories of 2018

Unveiling History, Exploring the Present, Confronting Challenges: Smithsonian’s Top Stories of 2018

by Kim

Smithsonian’s Top Stories of 2018

Unveiling the Past: History’s Most Captivating Tales

  • Chappaquiddick’s Enduring Mystery: Dive into the murky depths of the 1969 Chappaquiddick incident, where a political scandal left unanswered questions that continue to haunt nearly 50 years later.

  • Public Domain’s New Treasures: Rejoice, literature enthusiasts! On January 1, 2019, a trove of copyrighted works from 1923 will enter the public domain, enriching our cultural heritage.

  • Beyond Genes: Fathers’ Epigenetic Legacy: Discover the groundbreaking research revealing how fathers pass on crucial genetic information that shapes their offspring’s development.

  • Medieval Mystery: The Enigmatic Coffin Birth: Embark on an archaeological journey to uncover the secrets of a medieval grave, where a fetus emerged under extraordinary circumstances.

Exploring the Present: Science, Culture, and Society

  • Slab City: A Haven for Outsiders: Venture into the unique world of Slab City, California, where squatters have created a self-sufficient community amidst the desert landscape.

  • Hitler’s Demise: Teeth Confirm 1945 Death: Put an end to the conspiracy theories surrounding Adolf Hitler’s fate. New analysis of his remaining teeth provides irrefutable evidence of his death in 1945.

  • Melting Glaciers Unveil Ancient Treasures: As glaciers recede due to climate change, they are revealing a wealth of cultural artifacts, offering a glimpse into Scandinavian history.

  • Art as Medicine: Prescribing Creativity in Britain: British doctors are embracing a revolutionary approach to healthcare, prescribing alternative therapies such as art, music, and dance to enhance patients’ well-being.

  • Unveiling a Complex Past: Native American Slaveholders and the Trail of Tears: Re-examine the Trail of Tears narrative through the lens of a new exhibit that sheds light on the intricate relationships between Native American and African-American communities.

Confronting Challenges: Health, Environment, and Social Issues

  • Engineering a Mosquito Solution: Scientists are deploying genetically engineered mosquitoes to combat disease-carrying populations, aiming to reduce the spread of illnesses like malaria and Zika.

  • The Burden of the Confederacy: Smithsonian’s investigative report exposes the staggering costs of Confederate monuments, which perpetuate a distorted view of history and glorify slavery.

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