Home LifeGardening Harvesting Spaghetti Squash: A Comprehensive Guide to Picking and Storing

Harvesting Spaghetti Squash: A Comprehensive Guide to Picking and Storing

by Keira

When to Pick Spaghetti Squash for the Perfect Harvest

Knowing When to Harvest

Spaghetti squash is ready for harvest when it meets the following criteria:

  • Uniformly deep golden yellow rind
  • Hard rind that cannot be easily dented with a fingernail
  • Stem has turned from green and supple to brown and hard

Harvesting Spaghetti Squash

  1. Inspect the Stem: Look for stems that have turned brown and hard.
  2. Check the Color: Ensure the entire rind is a deep golden yellow, free of light-colored or green spots.
  3. Test the Rind: Gently press or scratch the rind with your fingernail. If it doesn’t leave a mark, the squash is ready.
  4. Cut the Stem: Use a sharp pruner to cut the stem, leaving 3-4 inches attached to the squash.
  5. Handle with Care: Support the body of the squash when handling to avoid breaking the stem.
  6. Cure: Place the squash in a warm, dry, and well-ventilated location for 1-2 weeks. Ideal temperatures for curing are 80-85°F.

Storing Spaghetti Squash

Properly harvested and cured spaghetti squash can be stored for up to two months in a cool, dry place like a pantry. Ideal storage temperatures range from 55-60°F.

Ripening Off the Vine

Hard frost can damage spaghetti squash, reducing its storage life. However, if it’s necessary to harvest before the squash is fully ripe, it will continue to mature off the vine for several weeks:

  1. Wash and Dry: Wash and thoroughly dry the harvested squash.
  2. Place in a Sunny Window: Position the squash in a sunny window with the unripe portion facing the sun.
  3. Turn Regularly: Rotate the squash every few days to promote even ripening.
  4. Patience: It may take 2-3 weeks for the squash to fully ripen off the vine.


  • Can You Pick Spaghetti Squash Too Early? Yes, it’s common for gardeners to harvest spaghetti squash prematurely. Check the stem, color, and rind to determine readiness.
  • Should You Pick Spaghetti Squash Before It Turns Yellow? No, wait until the entire rind has turned a deep golden yellow before harvesting. However, if frost forces an early harvest, partially ripe squash can still ripen off the vine.

Additional Tips

  • Spaghetti squash has a long growing season of 90-110 days.
  • Northern gardeners typically start harvesting in September.
  • Avoid picking up the squash by the stem, as it can weaken the shelf life.
  • Hard frost can lead to a mushy rind and reduced storage life.

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