Home LifeGardening How Much Does a Cubic Yard of Topsoil Cost? A Comprehensive Guide

How Much Does a Cubic Yard of Topsoil Cost? A Comprehensive Guide

by Jasmine

How Much Does a Cubic Yard of Topsoil Cost?

Topsoil is the uppermost layer of soil in which all plant life grows. It is a valuable resource that can improve the health and success of your landscape. But how much does a cubic yard of topsoil cost?

Factors Affecting the Cost of Topsoil

Several factors can affect the cost of topsoil, including:

  • Product quality: The quality of topsoil can vary depending on its composition and organic content. Higher-quality topsoil will typically cost more.
  • Delivery: Delivery costs can vary depending on the distance and accessibility of your property.
  • Location: The cost of topsoil can also vary depending on your location. Suppliers in rural areas may have higher costs due to transportation expenses.

Types of Topsoil

There are three main types of topsoil:

  • Black dirt: This is the least expensive type of topsoil and is a basic mix of loam and sand.
  • Loam: Loam is a middle-grade topsoil that is higher in organic materials than black dirt.
  • Screened loam: This is the most expensive type of topsoil and is put through a fine mesh screen to eliminate weed seeds and larger particles.

How to Calculate How Much Topsoil You Need

To calculate how much topsoil you need, follow these steps:

  1. Measure the length and width of the area you want to cover.
  2. Multiply the length by the width to get the square footage.
  3. Convert the depth requirement to a fraction of a foot. For example, 3 inches = 1/4 foot or .25.
  4. Multiply the square footage by the depth to get the cubic feet.
  5. Divide by 27 to get the cubic yards.

Delivery Options

Topsoil can be delivered in bulk or in bags. Bulk delivery is more cost-effective for large projects, while bagged topsoil is more convenient for smaller projects.

  • Bulk delivery: Topsoil is delivered in a truck or trailer and is typically measured by the cubic yard.
  • Bagged topsoil: Topsoil is sold in 40-pound bags at garden centers and home improvement stores.

How to Measure Topsoil Depth

To measure the depth of topsoil in your yard, dig down 8 inches and look for the soil to become more dense and lighter in color. The darker top layer is measured as topsoil. If the color stays fairly uniform, test with your shovel. Once you penetrate the topsoil layer, you will feel more resistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a cubic yard of topsoil weigh?

It varies depending on how much moisture it contains. One cubic yard of dry topsoil averages around 1,080 pounds. When wet, that number can increase to up to a ton or 2,000 pounds.

How much topsoil is in a scoop?

A scoop of topsoil is usually equivalent to a front loader bucket full or around 1/2 cubic yard.

How many 40-pound bags of topsoil make a cubic yard?

One cubic yard of topsoil is equal to 36 (40-pound) bags.

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