Home LifeFood and Culture Culinary Diplomacy: How Food Became a Powerful Diplomatic Tool

Culinary Diplomacy: How Food Became a Powerful Diplomatic Tool

by Zuzana

Culinary Diplomacy: How Food Became a Powerful Diplomatic Tool

Promoting National Identity Through Cuisine

In today’s globalized world, nations are increasingly recognizing the power of food as a diplomatic tool. By promoting their national cuisines, countries can raise their profile on the world stage, attract tourists, and even divert attention from troubled pasts.

The Rise of Culinary Diplomacy

Culinary diplomacy is a carefully planned branding effort by governments to popularize their national cuisines worldwide. Countries like Korea, Thailand, and Peru have been particularly successful in this regard.

Peru, for example, has made a concerted effort over the past decade to promote its cuisine globally. This effort has included a tourism campaign that funds cookbooks and food festivals, partnerships with food producers and high-profile chefs, and even lobbying efforts to get UNESCO recognition for Peruvian food.

The Benefits of Culinary Diplomacy

The benefits of culinary diplomacy are numerous. For one, it can boost tourism. According to the Peruvian embassy, 40% of all tourism to Peru in 2013 was motivated primarily by food. Gastronomic tourism generated about $700 million that year.

Food can also help to improve a country’s image and divert attention from negative perceptions. For example, Peru’s push toward “gastro-prestige” has helped to overshadow the country’s epidemic of terrorism during the 1980s and 1990s.

Food as a Bridge Between Cultures

One of the most important aspects of culinary diplomacy is its ability to foster cross-cultural understanding. Food can be used to create a sense of connection and belonging between people from different backgrounds.

As Sam Chapple-Sokol, a “culinary diplomat,” notes on his blog, food can be used to “get along with people, to talk with people, and to get to know them better.”

The Future of Culinary Diplomacy

Culinary diplomacy is a growing field, with college courses, academic journals, and other forms of study dedicated to the topic. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, food will likely continue to play an important role in international relations.

Examples of Successful Culinary Diplomacy Campaigns

  • Peru: Peru’s aggressive campaign to promote its cuisine has resulted in a significant increase in tourism and a boost to the country’s image.
  • Thailand: Thailand has successfully used its national cuisine to promote tourism and cultural exchange. The country’s famous street food has become a major draw for visitors from around the world.
  • Korea: Korea has used its national cuisine to promote its cultural heritage and to strengthen ties with other countries. The country’s traditional dishes have become popular in many parts of the world.

Challenges of Culinary Diplomacy

While culinary diplomacy can be a powerful tool, it is not without its challenges. One challenge is the need to balance the promotion of national cuisine with the need to respect local food traditions. Another challenge is the need to ensure that culinary diplomacy is not seen as a form of cultural imperialism.


Culinary diplomacy is a complex and multifaceted field that has the potential to make a positive impact on the world. By promoting their national cuisines, countries can raise their profile, attract tourists, and foster cross-cultural understanding. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, food will likely continue to play an important role in international relations.

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