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Exploring the Gender Breakdown and Longevity of Middle Earth’s Inhabitants

by Kim

The Gender Breakdown and Longevity of Middle Earth’s Inhabitants

The Lord of the Rings Project: A Census of Middle Earth

In the fictional realm of Middle Earth, created by J. R. R. Tolkien in his renowned The Lord of the Rings saga, males dominate the population, comprising an overwhelming 81%. This gender imbalance extends across various species, including humans, dwarves, and even the enigmatic Ents.

Emil Johansson, the driving force behind The Lord of the Rings Project, has meticulously compiled a census of Middle Earth’s inhabitants. Through a comprehensive analysis of Tolkien’s extensive writings, including posthumous publications, Johansson has shed light on the gender distribution, life expectancies, and the gradual decline in human longevity within this captivating world.

Gender Breakdown: A Realm of Males

The gender disparity in Middle Earth is striking. Among the known residents, males outnumber females by a significant margin. This imbalance is particularly pronounced among the dwarves, who are almost exclusively male. As Gimli, the stout-hearted dwarf, humorously suggests, the scarcity of female dwarves may simply be a result of an oversight in counting.

Life Expectancy: Variations Across Species

Life expectancy in Middle Earth varies considerably depending on the species. Humans, the most prominent race, have a relatively short lifespan compared to other inhabitants. Hobbits, with their cheerful and rustic lifestyle, enjoy a longer life expectancy than humans, typically living into their late 100s. Elves, the enigmatic and immortal beings, possess an eternal lifespan, barring unforeseen circumstances.

Longevity: A Decline in Human Lifespans

Johansson’s research has revealed a concerning trend in the longevity of humans in Middle Earth. Over time, the average lifespan of humans has declined, a phenomenon that becomes particularly evident when comparing the lifespans of ancient Númenóreans to those of modern-day Men. This decline in longevity may be attributed to various factors, including the ravages of war, the rise of Sauron’s evil influence, and the gradual waning of the power of the Elves.

A Sprawling Family Tree: Mapping the Lineages of Middle Earth

The Lord of the Rings Project extends beyond a mere census. Johansson has meticulously constructed a massive family tree that charts the intricate lineages of Middle Earth’s characters. This sprawling tapestry reveals the interconnectedness of the various races and factions, providing insights into the complex social and political dynamics of this fictional realm.

One notable branch of the family tree is that of the Baggins family. Belladonna Took and Bungo Baggins, two unassuming hobbits, became the parents of Bilbo Baggins, the protagonist of The Hobbit. Bilbo’s adventures would forever alter the fate of Middle Earth, but his branch of the Baggins line would eventually come to an end.


Emil Johansson’s The Lord of the Rings Project offers a fascinating glimpse into the demographics and social tapestry of Middle Earth. The census provides valuable insights into the gender imbalance, life expectancies, and the decline in human longevity within this captivating fictional world. The sprawling family tree further enriches our understanding of the interconnectedness of the various races and factions that inhabit Middle Earth.