Home LifeEducation A. C. Gilbert and the Erector Set: The Toy That Saved Christmas and Inspired Generations

A. C. Gilbert and the Erector Set: The Toy That Saved Christmas and Inspired Generations

by Zuzana

A. C. Gilbert and the Erector Set: The Toy That Saved Christmas

The Man Who Saved Christmas

In the midst of World War I, when the United States was considering canceling Christmas to focus on the war effort, A. C. Gilbert, an energetic businessman from New Haven, Connecticut, stepped forward. He argued that toys were not a frivolous expense, but rather an essential investment in the education and future of America’s boys.

Gilbert brought examples of his popular Erector sets to a meeting of the Council of National Defense. The sets, which included steel girders, nuts, and bolts, allowed boys to build models of real-world structures. Gilbert demonstrated how these toys could teach boys about engineering, mechanics, and problem-solving.

The Council members were impressed, and they agreed that Erector sets were indeed educational toys that deserved to be saved. As a result, Christmas was not canceled, and A. C. Gilbert became known as “The Man Who Saved Christmas.”

The Educational Value of Erector Sets

Erector sets were more than just toys; they were educational tools that helped boys develop important skills. By building models, boys learned about the principles of engineering and mechanics. They also developed their problem-solving skills, their imaginations, and their creativity.

In a time when many toys were simply for entertainment, Erector sets were designed to be both fun and educational. Gilbert believed that play was an important part of learning, and he wanted to create toys that would challenge and inspire boys.

The Impact of Erector Sets on American Boys

Erector sets had a profound impact on American boys. They provided a hands-on way to learn about science and engineering, and they helped to spark a lifelong interest in these fields. Many famous engineers and scientists, including Wernher von Braun and Neil Armstrong, credit Erector sets with inspiring their love of science and technology.

Erector sets also taught boys the value of perseverance and hard work. Building models could be challenging, but boys learned that with patience and effort, they could overcome any obstacle. This lesson was invaluable, both in the classroom and in life.

The Legacy of A. C. Gilbert and His Erector Sets

A. C. Gilbert was a pioneer in the toy industry. He believed that toys should be more than just playthings; they should also be educational and inspiring. His Erector sets embodied this philosophy, and they continue to be a popular toy today.

Although Gilbert’s Erector sets and science kits are now primarily sold to collectors, the legacy of these toys lives on. Millions of grown-up “Erector Engineers” have fond memories of building models with these iconic toys. And the educational value of Erector sets continues to inspire new generations of children.

The Evolution of Toys from Erector Sets to Science Kits

Over the years, toys have evolved from simple playthings to sophisticated educational tools. Erector sets were one of the first toys to combine fun with education, and they paved the way for the development of modern science kits.

Today’s science kits offer children a wide range of hands-on learning experiences. They can build models of rockets, robots, and other machines. They can conduct experiments in chemistry, physics, and biology. And they can learn about the latest advances in science and technology.

Science kits are a testament to the enduring legacy of A. C. Gilbert and his Erector sets. They continue to inspire children to learn about science and engineering, and they help to prepare them for the challenges of the 21st century.

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