Home LifeCulture Preserving Native Alaskan Culture in the Digital Age: ‘Never Alone’ Video Game Immerses Players

Preserving Native Alaskan Culture in the Digital Age: ‘Never Alone’ Video Game Immerses Players

by Kim

Native Alaskan Storytelling in the Digital Age: ‘Never Alone’ Video Game Preserves Culture

Cultural Preservation in the Modern World

In today’s interconnected world, preserving cultural traditions and ways of life is becoming increasingly challenging. With access to a globalized pool of art, entertainment, and technology, cultural leaders are seeking innovative ways to safeguard their history and language.

One such initiative is the creation of video games that immerse players in the unique experiences of indigenous cultures. Video games, with their ability to combine storytelling, visual journeys, and interactive gameplay, offer a powerful platform for cultural preservation and exchange.

‘Never Alone’: A Game Rooted in Inuit Culture

The Cook Inlet Tribal Council of Alaska has taken a bold step in preserving their culture through the development of “Never Alone,” a video game that draws heavily on the art, stories, and traditions of the Alaskan Inuit.

In “Never Alone,” players embark on an epic journey as Nuna, a young Iñupiaq girl, and her loyal arctic fox companion. Together, they navigate a treacherous blizzard to rescue Nuna’s homeland. Along the way, players encounter traditional Inuit folktales, witness breathtaking Alaskan landscapes, and learn about the resilience and wisdom of the Inuit people.

Video Games as Immersive Storytelling Tools

Video games offer a unique blend of narrative and interactive elements that make them particularly well-suited for cultural storytelling. Unlike books or films, which present a passive experience, video games allow players to actively participate in the story, embodying the characters and exploring the world firsthand.

Through gameplay, players experience the challenges and triumphs of Nuna and her arctic fox companion, gaining a deeper understanding of Inuit culture and worldview. They witness the beauty of the Alaskan wilderness, learn about traditional Inuit beliefs and customs, and connect with the spirit of the Inuit people.

Cross-Cultural Exchange and Understanding

“Never Alone” is not only a celebration of Inuit culture but also a bridge between different cultures. By making the game accessible to a global audience, the Cook Inlet Tribal Council hopes to foster cross-cultural understanding and appreciation.

Players from around the world can experience the unique perspectives and traditions of the Inuit people, broadening their horizons and challenging stereotypes. This cross-cultural exchange promotes empathy, tolerance, and a greater appreciation for the diversity of human experiences.

The Impact on Indigenous Cultures

The development of video games like “Never Alone” has a significant impact on indigenous cultures. By providing a platform for storytelling and cultural expression, video games empower indigenous peoples to share their voices and perspectives with the world.

Moreover, video games can contribute to language revitalization efforts by incorporating indigenous languages into gameplay and dialogue. This helps preserve and promote endangered languages, ensuring their survival for future generations.


“Never Alone” stands as a testament to the power of video games as a tool for cultural preservation and cross-cultural exchange. By immersing players in the vibrant world of the Alaskan Inuit, the game celebrates indigenous culture, fosters understanding, and contributes to the preservation of a unique and valuable heritage.

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