Home LifeCulture Gadheim: The Tiny German Town at the Heart of the EU After Brexit

Gadheim: The Tiny German Town at the Heart of the EU After Brexit

by Zuzana

Gadheim: The Unlikely Center of the European Union

The Brexit Effect

When the United Kingdom leaves the European Union in 2019, it will trigger a shift in the EU’s geographic center. According to French cartographers at IGN, a geographic engineering institute in Paris, the new heart of the EU will be in the tiny German town of Gadheim, located in the picturesque Bavarian wine country.

A Surprising Announcement

The announcement came as a surprise to Gadheim’s 89 residents. “We thought it was an April Fool’s joke at first,” said Juergen Goetz, mayor of nearby Veitshoechheim.

A Small Town with a Big Role

Despite its diminutive size, Gadheim will soon play an important role in a major political entity. The EU’s center shifts every time a country enters or leaves the bloc.

Economic and Tourism Benefits

Being the center of the EU has its perks. Brigitte Heim, mayor of Westerngrund, a town that held the title from 2013 to 2019, says that the designation brings 10,000 tourists to her town each year.

Challenges and Opportunities

While the new status brings potential economic and tourism benefits, it also presents challenges. Gadheim’s residents are currently brainstorming ideas on how to mark their newly anointed spot in the EU.

Residents’ Reactions

Karin Kessler, whose rapeseed field contains the exact coordinates of the EU’s center, is happy to have the EU flag flying in her backyard. However, she also expressed regret that the change is happening because of Brexit.

Historical Context

The EU’s geographic center has shifted several times over the years. With each new member state, the center moves slightly.

Determining the Center

IGN uses precise calculations to determine the EU’s geographic center. The exact coordinates are determined based on the bloc’s member states and their respective landmasses.

Significance of the Center

The geographic center of the EU is a symbolic representation of the bloc’s unity and cohesion. It is a point of reference that connects all member states.

Gadheim’s Future

Gadheim’s residents are still adjusting to the idea of being the center of the EU. They are considering various ways to commemorate the occasion and are excited to see what the future holds for their small town.

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