Home LifeCareer and Work Optimize Your Desk Placement for Career Success with Feng Shui Principles

Optimize Your Desk Placement for Career Success with Feng Shui Principles

by Peter

Feng Shui Desk Placement for Career Success

What is Feng Shui?

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy that focuses on creating harmony and balance in your environment. It’s believed that the arrangement of objects in your space can affect your energy flow and overall well-being.

Why is Desk Placement Important in Feng Shui?

Your desk represents your career and work life. By optimizing its placement according to feng shui principles, you can create a space that supports your goals and invites positive energy.

Commanding Position

One of the most important principles of feng shui desk placement is the commanding position. This means that your desk should be situated so that you can see the door when you’re sitting at it, but you’re not directly in line with the door. This position gives you a better view of opportunities and ideas, and it can also help you feel less stressed and more in control.

Angle Placement

If you want to invite challenge, risk, and movement in your career, try placing your desk at an angle, rather than parallel to the wall. This is a very dynamic position that can invite growth and change. However, keep in mind that it can also create more ups and downs.

View Considerations

When choosing a desk placement, consider what you’ll be looking at when you’re working. Ideally, you want to be looking at something that inspires you. Avoid placing your desk directly facing a blank wall, as this can represent blocks and hinder your career growth. If you must have your desk against a wall, you can expand your view with a mirror or a piece of expansive artwork.

Avoid Certain Positions

One desk position that is fairly common, but not ideal from a feng shui standpoint, is an L-shaped desk where you are staring into the corner of a room. This position can lead to a lack of control and creativity in your work. You’re also facing directly towards a wall, which can limit growth.

Wealth Corner

The top left corner of your desk is considered the wealth corner in feng shui. To attract wealth and abundance, place a special item in this corner, such as a small and pretty bowl of black onyx stones, a pretty green plant (or money tree), citrine crystals, or a small flowing water feature.

Other Feng Shui Tips for Your Desk

  • Keep your desk clean and organized. Clutter can block the flow of positive energy.
  • Add a live plant or lush flowers to your desk. Plants invite growth and good luck.
  • Place a small fountain or water feature on your desk. Water represents wealth and abundance.
  • Use calming colors in your desk area. Soft colors like blue, green, and white can help you stay focused and relaxed.
  • Avoid placing your desk directly under a beam or overhead light. This can create a feeling of pressure and stress.


By following these feng shui principles, you can create a desk placement that supports your career goals and invites positive energy into your workspace. Remember that feng shui is not a quick fix, but rather a gradual process of creating harmony and balance in your environment.