Home LifeAnimals Scottish Primary School Students Give Goldfish Viking Burial: A Unique Farewell to Bubbles and Freddy

Scottish Primary School Students Give Goldfish Viking Burial: A Unique Farewell to Bubbles and Freddy

by Peter

Primary School Students in Scotland Give Goldfish Viking Burial

Learning About Viking Beliefs

Class P3/4S at Papdale Primary School in Kirkwall, Scotland, was learning about the Vikings and their belief system when their two class pets, goldfish named Bubbles and Freddy, passed away. According to Viking lore, when people die, they are carried off by Valkyries to Odin’s Hall of the Slain, known as Valhalla.

Viking-Style Burial

Inspired by what they had learned, the students decided to give Bubbles and Freddy a Viking-style burial. They made longships out of household items like egg cartons and tea boxes, and then walked to a riverbank to read tributes to the deceased fish.

One student said, “Freddy had bright orange scales. He was very fat. This is because he nearly always was quickest to the pellets.”

When the eulogies were finished, a teacher waded into the water and set the goldfish’s resting place alight.

Viking Funeral Rites

Funeral rites for noble Norsemen like Bubbles and Freddy were grand affairs, often involving maritime symbolism. One of the most impressive examples is a large, 9th-century C.E. ship found buried in Oseberg, Norway. Inside the ship, the bodies of two women were discovered surrounded by luxurious gifts. Their identities remain unknown.

Other longship burials have been discovered over the years, including an 8.5-meter boat interred in Oslofjord, Norway. Professor of archaeology Neil Price writes on the British Museum blog that the remains of a man, two women, an infant, and several animals were laid to rest inside the boat.

Funeral at Sea

Rather than inhume Bubbles and Freddy, Papdale students opted for a funeral at sea. The egg carton longship floated best, while the one carrying the goldfish tipped over mid-funeral. However, the students still enjoyed giving them a good send off to Valhalla.

Rest in Peace, Bubbles and Freddy

Bubbles and Freddy, the goldfish who were given a Viking burial by Scottish primary school students, will be remembered for their bright scales and their love of pellets. Rest in peace, little fish.

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