Home LifeAncient Civilizations Pompeii’s Hidden Treasures: A Virtual Tour of Daily Life in the Ancient Roman City

Pompeii’s Hidden Treasures: A Virtual Tour of Daily Life in the Ancient Roman City

by Zuzana

Pompeii’s Hidden Treasures: A Virtual Tour of Newly Excavated Homes

Ancient Daily Life Revealed in Stunning Drone Footage

Step back in time and witness the preserved daily life of the ancient Roman city of Pompeii through breathtaking drone footage. The Pompeii Archaeological Park Director, Massimo Osanna, narrates this exclusive virtual tour of two recently excavated homes that were entombed in ash alongside the rest of the city when Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 A.D.

The House With the Garden: A Millennia-Old Oasis

One of the excavated homes, known as the House With the Garden, offers a glimpse into the domestic life of a middle-class family. Archaeologists have made remarkable discoveries, including casts of the roots of plants that grew in the family’s garden. This discovery provides invaluable insights into the horticulture and饮食habits of the Pompeiians.

The House of Orion: A Mythical Mosaic Masterpiece

Just across the street is the House of Orion, named after its stunning floor mosaics depicting the hunter Orion turning into a constellation. Osanna speculates that the snake coiled around Orion may reference a Greek myth with ancient Egyptian influences. The presence of this mosaic suggests that the owner of the house was likely fascinated by this particular myth.

Exploring Regio V: A Treasure Trove of Archaeological Marvels

The two excavated homes are located in Regio V, a 54-acre area north of the archaeological park. Regio V is currently being excavated as part of the Great Pompeii Project, a $140 million conservation project funded in large part by the European Union. This project has yielded a wealth of exciting finds, including a richly painted thermopolium, where Pompeiians would have enjoyed spiced wine, cheeses, and garum, a potent sauce made from fish insides.

Other fascinating discoveries in Regio V include a sorceress’ kit, a bloody gladiator fresco, and a still-saddled horse. These artifacts provide a vivid cross-section of daily life in this ancient city.

Graffiti Reveals the Date of Vesuvius’ Eruption

A crucial piece of the Pompeii puzzle was uncovered in Regio V in the form of graffiti. The graffiti bears a date corresponding to October 17 on the modern calendar. This discovery has led archaeologists to revise their previous belief that Vesuvius erupted in August, now suggesting that it occurred in the fall.

A Lost Piece of the Puzzle

The discovery of this graffiti has been hailed as a “lost piece of a jigsaw puzzle” by Osanna. It allows researchers to reconstruct the daily life of the vanished community with greater accuracy, providing valuable insights into the final moments before the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius.


This virtual tour of the newly excavated homes in Pompeii offers a captivating glimpse into the daily life of this ancient Roman city. From the garden traces in the House With the Garden to the mythical mosaics in the House of Orion, each discovery sheds light on the vibrant and complex society that thrived before the fateful eruption of Mount Vesuvius. The ongoing excavations in Regio V continue to uncover new treasures, providing a tantalizing glimpse into the past and enriching our understanding of this remarkable ancient civilization.

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