Home 생명History of Peacemaking 예루살렘의 아메리칸 콜로니: 한 세기의 봉사와 평화

예루살렘의 아메리칸 콜로니: 한 세기의 봉사와 평화

by 재스민

The American Colony in Jerusalem: A Century of Service and Peace

Origins and Founding

In 1881, Horatio and Anna Spafford, a devout Christian couple from Chicago, embarked on a journey to the Holy Land with a group of followers. Seeking a life of religious service, they established the American Colony in Jerusalem, a commune of expatriates living in a palatial villa outside the Old City walls.

Humanitarian Mission

The American Colony quickly became a beacon of humanitarian work in Jerusalem. The colonists established medical clinics, orphanages, soup kitchens, schools, and a pediatric hospital. They tirelessly provided care to the sick, the orphaned, and the poor, regardless of their religious or ethnic background.

Haven of Peace

Throughout the tumultuous history of Jerusalem, the American Colony has served as a neutral corner and oasis of peace. During the First World War, Anna Spafford famously secured the surrender of the Ottoman mayor with a white flag, sparing the city from further bloodshed. In 1992, secret negotiations in a room off the hotel’s garden courtyard led to the historic 1993 peace accord between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization.

The Spafford Legacy

Three generations of Spafford women have sustained the American Colony and its humanitarian mission. Anna Spafford, the founding matriarch, was a tireless advocate for the poor and the oppressed. Her daughter Bertha and granddaughter Rose continued her legacy, expanding the Colony’s services and playing key roles in the peace process.

The American Colony Hotel

In the 1960s, the Colony’s villa was transformed into the American Colony Hotel. The hotel has become a renowned haven for pilgrims, politicians, and travelers seeking respite in the heart of Jerusalem. Its elegant rooms, lush gardens, and historic ambiance have made it a symbol of peace and hospitality in the Holy City.

Recognition and Impact

The American Colony has received international recognition for its humanitarian work and its contributions to peace. In 1995, it was awarded the Right Livelihood Award, known as the “Alternative Nobel Prize,” for its “outstanding and pioneering work in humanitarian service and peacemaking in a conflict-ridden region.”

A Legacy of Peace and Service

For over a century, the American Colony in Jerusalem has stood as a testament to the power of compassion, service, and peacemaking. Its humanitarian efforts have touched countless lives, and its oasis of peace has provided a sanctuary in the midst of conflict. The legacy of the Spafford family and the American Colony continues to inspire hope and reconciliation in the Holy Land.

Additional Information

  • The American Colony in Jerusalem is open to visitors and offers guided tours of its historic buildings and gardens.
  • The American Colony Hotel provides a range of accommodation options, from standard rooms to luxurious suites.
  • The Colony’s humanitarian work continues today through its medical clinics, educational programs, and community outreach initiatives.