Home ArtPublic Art Preserving Our Public Art Heritage: Rediscovering America’s Outdoor Sculptures

Preserving Our Public Art Heritage: Rediscovering America’s Outdoor Sculptures

by Zuzana

Preserving Our Public Art: Rediscovering America’s Outdoor Sculptures

For generations, outdoor sculptures have silently graced the landscapes of our towns and cities, witnessing our history and enriching our lives. However, many of these beloved works of art have suffered from neglect over the years, threatening their preservation.

SOS! To the Rescue

Enter Save Outdoor Sculpture! (SOS!), a program dedicated to safeguarding our public art heritage. With the help of volunteers nationwide, SOS! is embarking on a mission to document and conserve every outdoor sculpture in the country, ensuring their preservation for future generations.

The Importance of Documentation

Documenting outdoor sculptures is crucial for several reasons. First, it provides a comprehensive inventory of our public art, allowing us to track its condition and identify sculptures in need of repair or conservation. Second, it raises awareness of the importance of preserving these works of art, fostering a greater appreciation for their cultural and historical significance.

Conservation and Repair

SOS! plays a vital role in the conservation and repair of outdoor sculptures. Through partnerships with museums, conservators, and local communities, the program provides funding and expertise to restore damaged sculptures to their former glory. This includes addressing issues such as weathering, vandalism, and structural instability.

A Labor of Love

The SOS! program relies heavily on the dedication of volunteers who fan out across the country to document sculptures and advocate for their preservation. These volunteers come from all walks of life, united by a shared passion for preserving our public art heritage.

Benefits for Local Communities

Preserving outdoor sculptures has numerous benefits for local communities. These works of art enhance the aesthetic appeal of our public spaces, creating a more vibrant and inviting environment. They also serve as historical markers, connecting us to our past and fostering a sense of place.

How You Can Help

If you’re passionate about preserving public art, there are several ways you can get involved with SOS!:

  • Become a volunteer to document and advocate for sculptures in your area.
  • Donate to the program to support its conservation efforts.
  • Spread the word about SOS! and the importance of preserving outdoor sculptures.

Examples of Successful SOS! Projects

SOS! has successfully documented and conserved thousands of outdoor sculptures across the country. Here are a few notable examples:

  • The restoration of the “Bear” statue by Cornelia Chapin in Cheshire, Massachusetts.
  • The conservation of the “Broken Tent Pole” monument in North Dakota, a tribute to circus workers killed by lightning.
  • The preservation of Armando Alvarez’s massive steel tableau “We the People” in Gallup, New Mexico.


Outdoor sculptures are a precious part of our cultural heritage, enriching our communities and connecting us to our history. SOS! is leading the charge to preserve these works of art for future generations. By documenting, conserving, and advocating for outdoor sculptures, we can ensure that they continue to inspire and uplift us for years to come.

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