Home ArtPhotography Exploring the Smithsonian’s Photography Collections and Exhibitions

Exploring the Smithsonian’s Photography Collections and Exhibitions

by Kim

Photography at the Smithsonian

Photography as Art and History

The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American Art has a long history of showcasing photography exhibitions. One notable exhibition was “Ansel Adams, A Legacy,” which featured the iconic landscape photographs of Ansel Adams. The exhibition was a huge success, attracting more visitors than any other in the museum’s history.

Other popular photography exhibitions at the Smithsonian have included “Mathew Brady Portraits: Images as History, Photography As Art,” “American Photographs: The First Century,” and “Visual Journal: Harlem and D.C. in the Thirties and Forties.” These exhibitions demonstrate the Smithsonian’s commitment to preserving and showcasing the art and history of photography.

The Smithsonian’s Photography Collections

The Smithsonian’s vast collections include millions of photographs, ranging from works of art to documentary images. Many of these photographs are housed in the Office of Imaging, Printing, and Photographic Services, while others are maintained on museum sites throughout the Smithsonian complex.

The Office of Horticulture, for example, has over 70,000 images that document the history of landscape architecture and floral design. The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory has an extensive collection of over 600,000 images related to astronomy and celestial phenomena.

The Role of Photography in Information Delivery

Photography plays a crucial role in the Smithsonian’s mission to share knowledge and understanding with the public. Through its website and various digital platforms, the Smithsonian provides access to millions of digitized photographs. These images are indexed by subject matter and museum source, making them easily searchable and accessible to researchers, students, and the general public.

In addition to its online presence, the Smithsonian continues to mount photography exhibitions that engage and educate visitors. These exhibitions explore a wide range of topics, from the history of photography to the role of photography in documenting social and cultural change.

Preserving and Expanding Photography Collections

The Smithsonian is committed to preserving and expanding its photography collections for future generations. The institution is investing in new storage facilities and digital cataloguing initiatives to ensure the long-term preservation of these valuable assets.

The Smithsonian is also exploring the creation of a center dedicated to the study and appreciation of photography. This center would provide space for curators, scholars, and students to work in close proximity to the collections and would host a variety of exhibitions and educational programs.


Photography is an integral part of the Smithsonian’s mission to preserve and share knowledge. Through its exhibitions, collections, and digital initiatives, the Smithsonian continues to showcase the art, history, and cultural significance of photography, while also ensuring its preservation for future generations.

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