Home ArtPerformance Art Burning Man Wall: Comedy Group’s Kickstarter Campaign Falls Short, But Permanent Community Plans Emerge

Burning Man Wall: Comedy Group’s Kickstarter Campaign Falls Short, But Permanent Community Plans Emerge

by Jasmine

Burning Man Wall: Comedy Group’s Tongue-in-Cheek Kickstarter

Comedy Group’s Wall Proposal

Comedy group Cultivated Wit has sparked laughter and debate with their tongue-in-cheek Kickstarter campaign to build a 300-foot-long wall to keep Burning Man attendees out of the Bay Area. The group argues that the week of Burning Man is the only time when non-Burners can escape the constant talk about the festival.

“The week of Burning Man is the only week that the rest of us don’t have to hear about Burning Man,” says the host of the crowdfunding video. “But what if that week could last forever?”

Ambitious Crowdfunding Goal

Despite the humorous nature of the proposal, Cultivated Wit set an ambitious fundraising goal of $7.3 billion. They offered enticing rewards, such as the chance to operate a cement mixer for an hour or own a quarter-mile segment of the wall. However, the campaign fell just short of its goal, disappointing its 2.7 million backers.

Other Infrastructure Projects

This is not Cultivated Wit’s first attempt at crowdfunding a massive infrastructure project. Their MegaGoGo profile reveals two ongoing campaigns: one to reroute the Mississippi River to alleviate California’s drought and another to build a tunnel spanning the Midwest.

Permanent Community for Burners

While Cultivated Wit’s wall proposal may have been a joke, the desire to create a permanent community for Burners is a serious consideration. According to New York Magazine’s Nellie Bowles, several Burning Man founders and organizers have hinted at plans to acquire land near the festival site in the Black Rock Desert.

Proposed Features

The proposed 4,000-acre site would reportedly include hot springs, geysers, and other amenities. Rumors suggest that tech giants Elon Musk and Sergey Brin may be involved in the project.

Hope for Non-Burners

For now, non-Burners in the Bay Area can only hope that their neighbors don’t bring back swarms of biting bugs from the playa. But if Cultivated Wit’s wall proposal or Burning Man’s community plans come to fruition, the Bay Area might just become a bit more Burner-free.

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