Home ArtLiterature Tracy K. Smith: Poet Laureate on a Mission to Ignite Imaginations and Foster Understanding

Tracy K. Smith: Poet Laureate on a Mission to Ignite Imaginations and Foster Understanding

by Zuzana

Tracy K. Smith: Poet Laureate on a Mission

American Conversations

As the Poet Laureate of the United States, Tracy K. Smith embarked on a literary journey across America, aptly named “American Conversations.” Her goal was to bring the transformative power of poetry to communities often overlooked by the literary world. Smith, a Pulitzer Prize-winning poet, likened herself to Johnny Appleseed, sowing seeds of verse in communities unaccustomed to visits from Ivy League luminaries.

Alaska’s Vastness

Smith’s tour launched in Alaska’s breathtaking wilderness. The vast landscapes and abundant wildlife left an indelible mark on her. She marveled at the untamed beauty of the state, recognizing its stark contrast to her life on the Princeton University campus.

Humanizing Power of Poetry

At the heart of Smith’s mission was the belief that poetry could humanize and connect people. She believed that in an age of rampant social media division, poetry offered a sanctuary for genuine communication and understanding. She encouraged her audiences to share their interpretations and experiences, creating a space for empathy and introspection.

Unconventional Angels

During a reading at an indigenous cultural center, Smith shared her poem “Wade in the Water.” The poem featured unconventional angels, grizzled and clad in leather, who appeared in a dream, offering solace and guidance. This poem exemplified Smith’s unique ability to blend the empirical and supernatural, exploring mysteries of faith and mortality.

Listening and Learning

Smith approached her audiences with humility and a willingness to learn. She prioritized listening to their perspectives, giving space for them to explore their own interpretations. By actively engaging with her audiences, Smith fostered a sense of community and mutual understanding.

Reaching Remote Communities

Smith’s commitment to inclusivity extended to remote communities like Napaskiak, Alaska. Despite the challenges of accessibility, she ventured into a K-12 schoolhouse, donating copies of her anthology “American Journal: Fifty Poems for Our Time.” She firmly believed that poetry was not an exclusive luxury but a vital resource for all.

Breaking Barriers

Raised in a Northern California exurb, Smith longed to break free from societal expectations. As a schoolgirl, she discovered the transformative power of nature and the potential for magic in the everyday. Her passion for poetry fueled her desire to challenge conventional notions and connect with people from all walks of life.

Challenges and Reflections

Smith’s journey was not without its challenges. After an encounter with a raccoon on the road, she questioned her resilience and the limits of her adventure. However, she ultimately found solace in the realization that rural America was not a monolithic entity but a tapestry of countless individuals and experiences.

Sharing Her Journey

Smith’s “American Conversations” tour culminated in a Smithsonian Ingenuity Festival event, where she discussed the impact of history and race in her acclaimed collection of poetry, “Wade in the Water.” Through this event and her ongoing work, Smith continues to share her unique perspectives and inspire others to embrace the power of poetry.

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