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Innovation, Curiosity, and Heart: An Interview with Rachel Grady

by Kim

Interview with Rachel Grady: Innovation, Curiosity, and Heart

Professional Influences

Rachel Grady is a woman of many talents and interests, as evidenced by her eclectic responses to our quick questionnaire. When asked to describe herself in three words, she chose “curious,” “high-energy,” and “entertaining.” These traits are certainly reflected in her work as a journalist, filmmaker, and author.

One of Grady’s greatest professional influences is Werner Herzog, the legendary German filmmaker known for his bold and visionary style. Grady admires Herzog’s unwavering commitment to his craft and his ability to capture the human experience in all its complexity and beauty.

Personal Passions and Inspirations

Beyond her professional life, Grady has a number of personal passions and interests. She is an avid reader, and her favorite book is “Shantaram” by Gregory David Roberts, a sprawling epic set in India. Grady is also fascinated by history and politics, and she would love to have dinner with Muammar Qaddafi, the former Libyan leader, to gain insights into his enigmatic personality and the complex events that shaped his country.

Grady’s daily life is fueled by three essentials: eBay, iced coffee, and New York City. She loves finding unique treasures on eBay, and she can’t resist a good iced coffee on a hot day. As a native New Yorker, Grady is deeply connected to the city’s vibrant energy and cultural diversity.

Global Perspectives and Life Lessons

Grady is deeply concerned about the pressing issue of illiteracy around the world. She believes that education is the key to unlocking human potential and creating a more just and equitable society.

One of the most important lessons Grady has ever learned is the power of surrender. She has learned to let go of expectations and embrace the unknown, and this has led her to some of her most fulfilling experiences.

Advice for Aspiring Professionals

For those just starting out in their careers, Grady advises them to follow their hearts and do things that they are passionate about. She believes that when you work from a place of authenticity, you will have fewer regrets and greater success.

Motto for Life

Grady’s motto is “Avanti!” (“Forward!,” in Italian). This motto reflects her adventurous spirit and her belief in the importance of progress and innovation.