Home ArtCultural Heritage ISIS Destroys Ancient Syrian Monument: The Arch of Triumph in Palmyra

ISIS Destroys Ancient Syrian Monument: The Arch of Triumph in Palmyra

by Jasmine

ISIS Destroys Another Priceless Syrian Monument: The Arch of Triumph in Palmyra

Cultural Heritage Under Attack

The ancient city of Palmyra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, has suffered another devastating loss. The iconic Arch of Triumph, an 1,800-year-old cultural treasure, was reportedly demolished by ISIS militants on Sunday, according to eyewitnesses. This act of destruction marks the third major site destroyed by ISIS since the group seized control of Palmyra in May.

The director-general of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, condemned the destruction, calling it a “war crime” and a “crime against humanity.” She said that the Arch of Triumph symbolized “everything that extremists abhor: cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue, and the encounter of different peoples.”

A City Under Siege

Palmyra, located northeast of Damascus, was once a thriving center of trade and culture. It was renowned for its wealth, multicultural tolerance, and architectural wonders. However, since ISIS took control of the city, militants have systematically destroyed its ancient sites, including the Temple of Baalshamin and the Temple of Bel.

ISIS has also beheaded Khaled al-Asaad, Palmyra’s head of antiquities, who refused to reveal the locations of hidden artifacts. The group’s actions have been widely condemned by the international community.

A Global Crisis

The destruction of Palmyra is not an isolated incident. ISIS has also looted and sold stolen artifacts from other archaeological sites in Syria and Iraq. The antiquities black market is flooded with these stolen treasures, fueling ISIS’s activities and funding its reign of terror.

The United Nations has warned that ISIS is looting artifacts “on an industrial scale.” The International Council of Museums has created an emergency list of stolen Syrian artifacts, and the FBI is seeking expert help to halt the trade in looted and stolen artifacts from Syria and Iraq.

The Fight Against ISIS

The destruction of Palmyra and other cultural heritage sites is a reminder of the urgent need to combat ISIS and its extremist ideology. The international community must work together to protect cultural heritage, halt the illicit trade in antiquities, and bring the perpetrators of these crimes to justice.

Long-tail Keywords:

  • Ancient Syrian monument destroyed by ISIS
  • The Arch of Triumph in Palmyra demolished
  • UNESCO condemns ISIS destruction of Palmyra
  • Maamoun Abdulkarim calls Palmyra destruction a curse
  • Islamic State beheaded Palmyra antiquities chief
  • UNESCO director-general: ISIS destruction shows fear of history
  • Palmyra: A center of cultural diversity and dialogue
  • ISIS looting Syrian artifacts on an industrial scale
  • FBI seeking help to halt trade in looted Syrian artifacts
  • Buying fresh artifacts from ISIS-controlled territory is appealing

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