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Art Meets Science: How to Express and Cope with Eco-Grief

by Zuzana

Art Meets Science: How Two California Artists Can Help You Express Your Eco-Grief

The Bureau of Linguistic Reality

Alicia Escott and Heidi Quante, two California artists, founded the Bureau of Linguistic Reality to create words that help people describe their complex emotions about climate change. This participatory art project invites people from all walks of life to collaborate in creating neologisms, or newly invented terms, that capture the unique experiences of climate distress.

The Power of Words

Language plays a crucial role in our understanding and expression of emotions. When we have words to describe our feelings, we can better process and manage them. The Bureau of Linguistic Reality recognizes this power and provides a space for people to explore and articulate their climate-related emotions.

Creating Neologisms

The process of creating neologisms with the Bureau of Linguistic Reality is collaborative and insightful. The artists engage in conversations with participants, asking questions and listening deeply to their experiences. Through brainstorming and storytelling, they help participants identify and define their emotions, resulting in the creation of new words that resonate with their unique perspectives.

Examples of Neologisms

Over the years, the Bureau of Linguistic Reality has helped create a vast lexicon of neologisms that capture the nuances of climate distress. Some notable examples include:

  • Quieseed: A seed that remains dormant due to social trauma and takes root when it finds a safe environment, representing the act of speaking one’s truth.
  • Shadowtime: An acute awareness of the potential for a drastically different future, reflecting the uncertainty and anxiety associated with climate change.
  • Blissonance: The disruption of a blissful experience in nature by the feeling that one’s presence is harming the environment.
  • Ennuipocalypse: A slow and gradual doomsday, capturing the sense of impending doom that can accompany climate change.

The Impact of the Bureau

The Bureau of Linguistic Reality’s work has had a profound impact on individuals and communities. By providing a space for people to express their emotions, the Bureau helps reduce feelings of isolation and empowers people to take action. The project has been featured at festivals, museums, and schools around the world, inspiring countless people to engage with climate change in new and meaningful ways.

Yonderlonging: A Personal Example

One participant in the Bureau’s project, struggling with the impending loss of a nearby field of cows due to development, coined the term “yonderlonging.” This word encapsulates the feeling of mourning a wide open space that is feared to disappear, a personal manifestation of solastalgia, the distress caused by environmental change.

The Future of the Bureau

The Bureau of Linguistic Reality continues to grow and evolve, with plans for future events and collaborations. The artists are committed to expanding the conversation around climate change and providing a platform for diverse voices to be heard. They believe that through the power of words, we can create a more just and sustainable world.

Personalizing Your Eco-Grief

If you are struggling with the emotional toll of climate change, the Bureau of Linguistic Reality offers a unique opportunity to explore and express your feelings. By participating in their workshops or submitting words via their website, you can contribute to a growing lexicon of climate distress and find solace in knowing that you are not alone.

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